Wednesday, April 1, 2009

BLOG # ?

The story was confusing at first, but it got clearer later. I thought the idea of the story is really interesting. The plan to intergrate men into their society will never work. The women have been living that way for as long as they remember, since thirty centuries ago, they have been accustomed to their way of life. They have been given a mating partner that is natural to them. Now, for these men to come and take that away from them is not right. I agree, that it is unnatural from our point of view, but to them, that's the way it has been. They have been living that way for thirty centuries, which are almost as long as we have had civilizations. If someone alien come from another planet forces us to mate with them, I don't think we would have been happy. I think if men did come to Whileaway, the result would be disasterous. Eithere there will be a war between Whileaway and Earth, or the people of Whileaway will become slaves to the men who come. In the end, Whileaway won't be there anymore, it will be destroyed and the way of life of the people living on Whileaway will also be destroyed.

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