Friday, May 1, 2009

Last blog post over 9000

I thought that it is pretty sad to see Ofglen gone. I don't get what happened to her. If she knew the man, did he tell the Eyes about Ofglen. Also, I kind of thought it was ironic how the man is part of the resistance. He was part of the resistance and he was trying to save these handmaids, he was trying to free them but he gets beaten up by them. It's like doing something good and getting punished for it. Also, if there is this network of resistance and if Nick was supposedly in it, which means there are a lot of things going on. They had a whole network and everything and Ofglen even said that the resistance can save someone if they are in immediate danger, well why weren't they there to save the man or to save Ofglen herself? Were they not important enough to be saved? I also wondered what happened to Nick? Did he get caught and executed also for being in sexual relation with a handmaid? What about the commander? Did he get in trouble for harboring Nick? How high up is the Commander? Who is he in this plan of the coup? If he was really high up there, then he must have been one of the people who thought women should not be allowed to read which means he completely support the regime. Why would he goes against his belief and suddenly let Offred read?

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